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              ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         its fucking me again hahaha 8)

     jup i just got tottaly motivated after reading trivial's latst colly
                 so i decided to make a new colly named

erh.....this was soposed to be released at tp5 or so,but didnt feel like doing
 any ascii at all,so the short intro kinda suxx now......who gives a fuck

.------------- --- -- -                                   __________       ·
|            ___________              _____         ______\_____  _/       :
|  |____     _______   _)__  _____   /    /______   /        __,  \_______ ¦
_  ____l_____|   _         \/ _ __|_/    /      \ _/_______________     _/ |
| _\         _____\  ________     ÷_______________ _ __|         /     _\__|_
|__\  ________\    \_/      |______|            l     ÷| ©Mt    /_______\   /
¦   \_/--------                                 |______|                 \_/
:                                                                          :
`-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----'

                     and if you really want to know.......

                                  i am

    _/\_____     _____/\_       ______       ___/\_     _____/\_    ___________
__/\\ ____ //\___\ _____//\___/\\    //\___/\\____//\___\ _____//\__\  _______/
\     \_          __/               /                    __/            ____/
 \_____/            _____          _______      _____      _____         \
      /_____________\   /__________\÷f!÷ /______\cS!/______\   /__________\

                  _____________________  ._______________
                  \____________________) |_________      '

                       _ __ __/\__ __ _
      ·    .  _ ________  \\\ oO ///        ·    .            __     _ __
  _ __:    : _ ___ _   /___ /_\/_\ __ _ ____:_ _ : _ _________\/__ _ __/( ___ _
  \\\_/    ¦ \\\_///  / _____ \/ ___/// _____/// ¦ \\\_ _________///__   \\_///
_ __ _|    |_ __ _   /    \|      | _ ___   \    |_ _      ___/__    |
   \\\_   __///_    /\     \_     |     /    \_ __///_     \     \_  ¦
                \_    \     /     |   \/      /       \_          /  :
   _ ______     _/___     _/      ¦_ __     _/___     _/___     _/___     ___ _
           \ ___(zd! \ ___(¦      :    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(
            \/        \/   :      .     \/        \/        \/        \/
                                _ _.-^-._ _
                            , ,( ))` _ '(( ), ,
              __          ' ¬ ¯7¯____-____¯7¯ ¬ `          __
             _\/_              ¦/___/-\___\¦              _\/_
           __\\//__        _  _;___._¯_.___;_  _        __\\//__
       _ __\ \\// /      ,  \ \\\_ @_X_@ _/// /  ,      \ \\// /__ _
       \\\_\\ \/ /       ` _ __T _¯¯. .¯¯_ T__ _ '       \ \/ //_///
             \  /   .    ..\\\ \ \\ ¯ ¯ // / ///..    .   \  /
              \/       .·,  __T¯  T  _  T  ¯T__  ,·.       \/
                    ·.·_ ¯¸ \//_ __  ¬  __ _\\/ ¸¯ _·.·
            _ __ __.¦_(_) ` __¯l__`-----'__|¯__ ' (_)_¦.__ __ _
           ·)\\_\\____\ __ //(^ _ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ ^)\\ __ /____//_//(·
            ¯¯   .-.¦`--\/_¯¯_.·\\·.¦¯¦.·//·._¯¯_\/--'¦.-.   ¯¯
             . ° `-'l_____//\\\ .¯..:.:..¯. ///\\_____|`-' ° .
                      _ __ T¯_·....·:°:·....·_¯T __ _
               ·  · : )\\/ / \\     ¦_¦     // \ \//( : ·  ·
                     ¸ . _   __ _/\_.-._/\_ __   _ . ¸
                       ` . ......\( `-' )/...... . '
              /\      :  · ·····'_¯_/¯\_¯_`····· ·  :      /\
           _ //\\  ·   _ . .----(/-\_°_/-\)----. . _   ·  //\\ _
          /////\\\       ¯ `-.----\\-Y-//----.-' ¯       ///\\\\\
            ¯/__\¯     _  _ _\_· _ T ` T _ ·_/_ _  _     ¯/__\¯
             T  T    ,  \ \\\_ \ )\¯ T ¯/( / _/// /  ,    T  T
           . `--'    `    _ __T¯_\/ _¦_ \/_¯T__ _    '    `--' .
             °.o .-. ___·(·))_\ \\  \Y/  // /_((·)·___ .-. o.°
              ·  `-' \.(__T_  :..... Y .....:  _T__)./ `-'  ·
              : _ __ /'_ /_/_ ·T·`':¯¦¯:`'·T· _\_\ _`\ __ _ :
           . ..///_// \/___(/_/(___··|··___)\_\)___\/ \\_\\\.. .
              ·     ¯T__| `--'¯¯ `---^---' ¯¯`--' |__T¯     ·

                  let me just show you why i called it tRiViAL

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #1   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                   |                   |
    _._____________| _ t R i V i A L   |____._
    \|             |_\\________________|    |/              ________
     |      ______    \                     |   ____________\_____  \
_____|_____/_____/_____  _______          __|___\_____/__       __  \\____
\__       __/\__  ____/__\_____/________ /    \          \____________/__/____
  |     _.|____l________\         \    \/     \\__________\-T!    /  \_       \_
  |      ||          /_____________\____________/(rLf)           /_____________/
  l_______|             |                   |
                        |                  _|
                        |                  \|___________________________________
                       _|                   :         |_
                        :                             :

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #2   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                          __\ _________________ /__
                        __)   \__           __/   (__
                      __)       |         _.|       (__
                     _)         |          ||         (_
                     |          l___________|          |
                     |          / _________/_____      |
                     |         /  \_______  ____/_     |
                    _|        /___________________\    |
                    \|_         __\__________/__       |
                     |/        /                \      |
                     |.       /__________________\     |
                     |¦       ____________ /    \      |
                     |¦       \          \/     \\_    |
                     |¦        \__________________/    |_
                     |¦        / __\__________/__     _|/
                     |¦       / /                \    \|
                     |¦      / /__________________\    |
                     |¦     / ______\_________  \      |
                     |:    /  \             __  \\_    |
                     |:   /    \__________________/\   |
                     |:  /       / _________/____   \  |
                     |· /       /  \_            \_  \ |
                     l_/       /__________________/   \|
                      /(rLf)/-T!                       \

                             that was a wired logo

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #3   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                                                      :        :
                                   ...................:        :
                                   :  :                        :
                             ......:..:                        :
            _ ______         :                   ._______.     :
 _____________ ____/_____    :                 __`_______'_    :
 \__           \__  ____/_.______.,----.  /---\|             _,-----._____
 ._|       ------l--------'______'_     \/    \\_.-----------   --       /_.
 `-----------'                     \_.-----------'        `-----/----------'_
(rLf)  :               --------------'                ·        :._/ \_       \_.
       :                     :                        .        :`--------------'
       :.....................:                        :        :     -T!
                                                      :        :
                                                      :        :

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #4   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

_._)\ ___________._
\|   \)          |/                   /\_ _/\____________________/\_ _/\
 |               /                _.__\ (_)                        (_) /__._
 |              /|                \|           t R i V i A L              |/
 |    ._ ____. · |                 |                                      |
 |. __l \\   l__ |              .__|_______________________ ________ .____|__
 |: \___ ¯  ___/_|______ _______|         /_______________/_)       \|      (_
 |¦   |      | _     _  \\    __|        /_________________|         \_      |
 |¦   l_      //_____\__ ¯    \_.     __/                           _ \)    _|
 |¦    /_____(   |(rLf)|        |_________        _       ___      //_______\
 |¦              |     l_      _|        l_      //_______\ /_____(       |
 |¦   .          | _____/     (_____      /_____(                        .|
 |¦   ·:.        | \_______________/      ___________                    ¦|
 |¦    ·:.       | __ ____________________)_______  (_________           ¦|
 |¦     .:·      |_) \\                       ____           /________.  ¦|
 |¦    .:·       ||   ¯    _       _        _      _        (_        |  ¦|
 |:   ·:·        |l_      //_______\_      //______\_        _       _|  ¦|
_|·    ·      _  |_/_____(          /_____(    |    l_      //_______\   ¦|
\|____________\\_|/                            |     /_____(-T!          ¦|
 :             \ :                            _|                         :|_
                ·                             \|__    ______________    __|/
                                               : / _(_)            (_)_ \ :
                                                 \/                    \/

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #5   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

  :                                    :                                     |/
  :             .________________      :      __________                     |
 ____.     _____|      /________/ ____ :_____ \________/    _______________  |
_)   l__  _)  __|     /___________)   \|    (_______________)_____ ()     /____.
|   ___/__|_. \_.  __/.          |     `\_    |          |       __       (_    |
|    |     _|   |_____|         _|      \)  _|         _|          _          _|
l_    _____\    |(rLf)l_    ____\__    _____\l_    ____\l_    _____\_    _____\
 /___(     /___(       /___(      /___(:      /___(      /___(-T!   /___(
                                       :                                     :
 _|                                    :                                     :
  :                                                                          :

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             tRiViAL #6   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                                                          ·       .
                                                          :       .
                                                      . ..:.......:...
                                                          :       :
           ....      .....   .....      ......    ...     :       :
           :..:......:   :   :...:     .:  ..: ...: :..   :       :
   ........:             :.....:       :.  :....:     :...:       :
   :                  ..     ._:.....  .:           ._    :       :
...:             ...:::::. __)_\___ :..: ._    /\ __)_\___:      .:
:       ._    .:::··· .::·\_____\_/_/\ __|_\__/  \_____\_/_ /\ __)_\__
·  /\ __)_\______.   .::·           \_\  |    \_          _/  \  ___  \
__/  \_    \_   .: .:::_____         /   |     /.__       )       |    \_
\_____   _______:::::·  :..\________/___ l    / : \_______.____         /.
____.___     | .:::::::.  :.......     \____ /..:....     :   \___| /\ /_:
-T! :  \_____| ..::  ··::::...  .:   ....  \/    :  :     :       l/     |____
    :       ...: ·       ····   :    :..:.....   :..:.:   :      _)      |    \_
    :.......:                   :.......:    :..  ..:.    :      _:_____ l     /
       :.:    ·         ...        :...:       :..: :     :       :(rLf)_____ /
              :...  ....: :                         :     :       :         \/
                 :..:     :..                       :    .:.......:.
                            :.. .  .                      :       :
                                                          .       :


                             thats something eh?
      too bad he did,see most of this colly at tp5,so now its no that funn to 
                             release but fuck it!

           well theres also a few other reQuested logos as allways ;)

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_           aNOTHER sTEP   \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

 .......                                             _
 ::::::: |_________________________________________ /(___
 ::::::: |                                        (/    (__
   ___              a·n·o·t·h·e·r  s·t·e·p              _|/
    |                                                   \|              .______
    | _______ _____ ______________ ____.    ______.___ __|____    ______|     /
 .__|_)____ (_)    \        .    (_)   l__ _)   __|  (_)   __/__ _)   __|    /
_|      __         \\   _   |         ___/_|    \_.  _    _____(_|    \_. __/.
\|          _       \___\   :    _     |    _     |__\_   \      _      |____|
 \      ____\__     _\ \      ___\__     ___\     |-T!l_     ____\_     |
  \    (_     /   _(    \    (__   /_   (___/    /     /____(     |     |
 ._\  __(____/    l__   _\   __/__  _)   _____  (_      .|        |     |
 |  \_____       ___/___|   _____(__|    \__    _|      :|        |     |
 |      (/  _     |    _    \      _       |____\       ¦|     ___|     |___
 l_    _____\__     ___\__     ____\__     |            ¦|     )__|_/   |__(
  /____((rLf) /____(     /____(      /____(             ¦|         //___|
    |                                                   ¦|
    |_                                                  ¦|
    |/                                                  :|_
    /_____________._                                    _|/
                  |/                                    \|
                  /                                      |
                 /|                                     _|
                /_:____________________________________( :
                  ·                                      ·

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_          epsilon design  \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                            ___     |_  _|      ___
                           /_ (_))_)__)(__(_(((_) _\
                             )_ ____  ¦¦   ____ _(
                              /_\  /_ ::  _\  /_\
                       /\_ _/\______| ·:  |______/\_ _/\
                    _._\ (_)           ·           (_) /_._
                   \\|                 .                 |//
                     |                _______            |
 _______    _________|__  ______      \_____/ _____      |_________ _____ _____
_)   __/__ _)   _____: (__\  __(______________)   /______|)   .   (_)    \    (_
|   _____(_|    \__  : _   \_____                (_      :    |          \\   _|
|   \      _      |__:_\_      (/    ·      _          _ :    :   _       \___\
l_     ____\_     |  :  l_     __.   :     _\__     ___\_:     ___\__     _\
 /____((rLf)/____(   |   /____(  |   |____(   /____(     /____(     /____(
  _|                 |_          |   |                  _|                 |_
..\|_____________.   |/          |   |                  \|   ._____________|/..
:  ·             |   /           |   |                   \   |             ·  :
: _._____________|___|_          |   |                  _|___|_____________._ :
:.\|             |               |   |                       |             |/.:
.__|             !         ))_)_)|   |(_(_((_______          !             |__.
|          _______ _______      _|   |      \_____/ ___________ _____ _____   |
|   .______)____ (_)   __/__  __\  __(______________)    _____(_)    \    (_  |
|_  |  ________/      _____(__|  \_____                 (___         \\   _| _|
|/  |            _    \      _       (/  _        _           _       \___\  \|
|   l_     ______\__     ____\__     ____\__     _\__     ____\__     _\-T!   |
|    /____(        /____(      /____(      /____(   /____(      /____(        |
|                |                                           |                |
| ....           |_/      e p s i l o n  d e s i g n       \_|           .... |
| ::::...        :/_____.______________________________.____\:        ...:..: |
|    :..:·· ·    ·     _|                              |_         · ··::::    |
|                      \|                              |/                     |
|_    __________________|_                            _|_________________    _|
 / _(_))                :                              :               ((_)_ \
 \/                                                                         \/

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

just got home from tp5...its was okay but not more than that...not to many
peeps showed up..its wasnt as cool as its had been before 8(  i only got
5 request at tp5..thats nice ;))
i meet ALOT of cool guys...alot of funn with them..altho i was pretty busy
with my music so i didnt get the chance to talk too much with the peeps i 
meat,or maby they just didnt want to talk to me 8) and then ofcoz you couldnt
find the guys you talked to earlyer 8((
But overall 'the' party 5 was fucking commercial,and sucked! i think this was
the last THE party i'll ever go too......line #181

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_          northern p. add \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                               /\_ ______________________/\_ _/\ .
                            _._\ (_)                       (_) /_|_
                            \|        w e l c o m e  t o         :/
  .                          |                                   |
__|___     .____             |             t h e                /|
  \___,\---|\__/__,  ..::::. |   n o r t h e r n  p a l a c e  / |
           `      .:::·· .:·___.     _____._____              ·._|____         .
 ____ _____  .:::.   .  .:·    l__  _)  __|    (_____     _____|     /       .::
_)   \    (.::· ·:. .: ::___  ___/__|   \_.    _| __/__  _)  __|    /.      :::
|    \\  .::·    :: :::·  |    |    _     |____\ _____(__|   \_. __/:::    :::
|     \__::·  .::::::::::.l_     ___\_   _|   |  \      _      |___:::::  :::
l_    _\  ·:.  .::   :: ·:::..._(    /__(     l_    ____\__    |  :::·:: :::
 /___(      ·:::·    ·     ···                 /___(-T!   /___(  :::· :::::
                             |                                 .::::  ::::
                           __|__                            _____|_   :::
 _____________     ________)   /_____.    _______    .:::.._)   __/__ ::
_)   _____   (_____)____      (_     |____)____ (_ .::· ·::.   _____(_:.
|    \__     _       __             _       __   .::·          \      _|
|      |_____\_          ___     ___\_          _::·     :::_     ____\
l_     |(rLf) l_     ____\ /____(    l_     ____\ ·:.  .::: /____(
 /____(        /____(                 /____(       ··::::·
                             |                                   |
                             |                                   |
                            _|  _                             _  |_
                             ·                                   ·

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_     northern p. add ansi \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                               /\_ _/\___________________/\_ _/\ .
                            _._\ (_)                       (_) /_|_
                            \|        w e l c o m e  t o         :/
  .                          |                                   |
__|___     .____             |             t h e                /|
  \___,\---|\__/__,  ..::::. |    n o t h e r n  p a l a c e   / |
           `      .:::·· .:·___.     _____._____              ·._|____         .
 ____ _____  .:::.   .  .:·    l__  _)  __|    (_____     _____|     /       .::
_)   \    (.::· ·:. .: ::___  ___/__|   \_.    _| __/__  _)  __|    /.      :::
|    \\  .::·    :: :::·  |    |    _     |____\ _____(__|   \_. __/:::    :::
|     \__::·  .::::::::::.l_     ___\_   _|   |  \      _      |___:::::  :::
l_    _\  ·:.  .::   :: ·:::..._(    /__(     l_    ____\__    |  :::·:: :::
 /___(      ·:::·    ·     ···                 /___(-T!   /___(  :::· :::::
                             |                                 .::::  ::::
                           __|__                            _____|_   :::
 _____________     ________)   /_____.    _______    .:::.._)   __/__ ::
_)   _____   (_____)____      (_     |____)____ (_ .::· ·::.   _____(_:.
|    \__     _       __             _       __   .::·          \      _|
|      |_____\_          ___     ___\_          _::·     :::_     ____\
l_     |(rLf) l_     ____\ /____(    l_     ____\ ·:.  .::: /____(
 /____(        /____(                 /____(       ··::::·
                             |                                   |
                             |                                   |
                            _|  _                             _  |_

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_                rahiem    \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

         .______              ._____ _________
   ______|     /  ______ _____|    / \_______/ _______             .________
  _)   __|    /___)___ (_)    |   /_ __________)   __/__   ________|       (_
  |    \_. __/|     __           / |_)            _____(___)       |  _    _|
  |      |____|        _      .   _          _    \      _      _  l /___._\
  l_     |   |_     ___\__    |___\__     ___\__     ____\__     \  / -T!:
   /_.__(     /____((rLf)/____|     /____(     /____(      /______\/     :
.....:                                                                   :......
:                                                                              :
:                                                                              :
:                                                                              :

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             Andromeda    \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

 ....... ........      ...........  ....... ................      ............
::::.:::::::: ::::.....:::::::.:::::::: :::::::: : :::::.::::.....::::::::.::::
:::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::: ::..:::: ::::::::   ::::: ....:::: :::::::: ::::
:::: :::·:::: :::·::::.:::·::: ::::·:::.:::·::::   :::::.::::::::.:::·:::: :::·

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             File_ide     \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

  _____      __ __________             ___
_|    (_. ___\__\    _.   |_ ___ _____|_ (_.
\_      ||   .   \   \|   _/  _/_\    _/   |
 |      /\   :   |\   \   /  _\   \   \    |
_.______/\  ___________\__\________\______._
 `-Mo!/aL \/ ----[ Twisted Presents ]-----'
         tRiViAL - tHE cOLLECTiON
          bY rELiEf/aLOT oF gROUPS
_ ________________________________________ _


          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_               ramirez    \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

________                __          _______/ _____/____________
  _____/_____   ______ /_ \  .______\_____/__\___  ____/_ __  /____      _______
  \___  ____/___\___  //   `-'  _            \__l________\\__/     \_____\__
_____l________    __ /______\  /    __________\-T!    \_____________/   ________
(rLf)    \______________/    \/____/.______________________________________/
                                   _|         r · a · m · i · r · e · z

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_              illusion    \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                                                        ::        ::
                                                        ::        ::
                                                 /\_ _/\::        ·:/\_ _/\
                                              _:_\ (_)  :·         ·  (_) /_._
                                              \|        ·                   |/
                                               \       i l l u s i o n      |
    ...........................................|\                           |
    ::                                         | ·                          |
  _______                                      |   _______                  |
  \_____/_____     _____     _____.____ ______ |   \_____/ ______________ _____
 ________)   /_____)   /_____)    |   (_\  __(_____________)   .         \    (_
_)          (_        (_          |      \_____                |    -T!  \\   _|
| (rLf) _         _         _     :   _      (/  _       _     :   _      \___\
l_     _\_     ___\_     ___\_     ___\_     ____\_     _\_     ___\_     _\
 /____(  /____(    /____(    /____(    /____(     /____(  /____(    /____(  |
                                               |                            |
    ::                                         |                            |
    ::.........................................|                            |
                                              _|                   ·        |_
                                              \|_    _  :.        .:  _    _|/
                                               :/ _(_)\/::        ::\/(_)_ \:
                                                \/      ::        ::      \/

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_    fORGOTTEN wORLDS ansi \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                                 fORGOTTEN wORLDS
                ______                                  ____________
        _______/  __  \____ ______                      \__      __/
  _____/  ____/__ \        / ____/____________  __________|_    _|_____
_/          ____/_________/  \__  ____/_ ____/__\__      __/   / ___  /____
\____________/(rLf)      /_____l________\\______/  \_  _.|l___/  \___/     \_
                                     /______________/   ||   \______________/
                                                  l______|       ______\    \
                                                                /   ___ \   _\
                                                               /_______\     \\
  ______                                                                \______\
_/      /\______________       ______                     ___________
\         \      \_ __  \______ ____/____________   ______\_      __/________
 \______/_________/ \           \__  ____/_ ____/__/_ _____/    ______       \_
               \__________________l________\\_       \__________\ \___________/

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_             presents     \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

____________.       ______    _______            _____\    \___________
   ___      |____    __  /____\   __/______________ __ \   _\       __/
   \________|___/____\__/       ______      \___  /___\     \\     _|
____:___|   \__  ________________/\__________/\__/     \______\   __/_________
(rLf)   /_____l_________/                 \__________________________         \_

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_              greets      \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                ______                                _____________
   ______      / ____/______  ______             _____\__      ___/___
  / ____/_____/  \__  _____/_/ __  /_____________\  __ \|          __/________
 /  \______/  \____l_________\ \__/               \__/  \_      _______       \_
/______________/(rLf)   -T!\_____________________________/______|  \___________/

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_            twilight diz  \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :


                          \__           __/
                            |         _.| ________
                        .___| (rLf)    ||/  _____/___________.
                        |   l___________/-T!\_           \_  |
                        |   ·tWiLiGHT· /__________________/  |

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_            sapphire diz  \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :


                        _______  sAPPHiRE   ______________________._
                        \   __/_____________\_____  \    ___      |
                         \______                __  \\_  \________|

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_           archangel diz  \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                        .        _________            _________    .
                        | _______\______  \    _______\______  \   |
                        |_\ (rLf)    ___  \\_ _\   -T!    ___  \\__|
                        |            aRCHANGEL pRESENTS            |

          _ __))    __)))        _
           \\     __)  _    ____( )__:_
 tWiSTED    _\   ))_   //\_((        |//
    iN      \__    |___/             |
   ¹996  _ _ /))__  __/              |
           //    /__)                |_
       _.__/                        _|/__.
      \\|_              paszczak    \|___|
       _|/ (rLf)                    .|/
      \\|____   ___                 ¦|
        :  )))_((( \                ¦|
                    \               ·|_
                     \_____ _________|//
                          (_)        :

                            .                       .
                           _|                       |_
           /\_ _/\  _______\|                       |/_______  /\_ _/\
        _._\ (_)  \/        |                       |        \/  (_) /_._
        \|                  |                       |                  |/
         |                  |                       |                  |______
   ______|___  ______ _____ |   ______ _________   ______   ___________|     /
  _)  ____  (__)___ (_\ __(_____)__  /_)   ____(___)__  /___)___     __|    /
  |   \__ _      __    \____    ____/     (       _____/      __     \_.   /.
  |     |_\_        _     (/ _  \)    _        _  \)    _        _     |____|
  l_    || l_    ___\_    ___\_    ___\_    ___\_    ___\_    ___\_    |
-T!/___( |  /___(    /___(    /___(    /___(    /___(    /___(rLf)/___(|
         |                  :                                          |
         |__                :       ·PASZCZAK·      :                __|
                           \:                       :/
                            :                       :
                            ·                       :

     ( finnaly i made you a logo! tnx for the nice logos you mad me pal )

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

jan. 1st :  fucking great!! im still alive!! didnt think i would sourvieve
after last night!! i was so fucking wasted!!! i could hardly walk home.and
it was so dam cold!!! baahh.....and when i got home i had lost my keys for
my flat!! so i sleept out side for aprox 2 hours before some girl woke me up
and i walk all the way home to my mom to sleep!! shit sucked bit time!!!!
and now i got some a few hours ago and im fucked!! stil a bit drunk/high from
last night...ill try to find the different phone numbas for the girls i tried
to hook up with...shi cant remmber how they looked like hahh shit!! it was sure
great.....but shit im feeling so sick now! try sleep out side in the cold when
its like -7°  and then the wind blowing then it feels like -20° 8((

jan 5th. i tottaly lost motivation for doing ascii again! just did one logo
since the 24th of december,because the guy begged me for it! and when i load
my reuest file there is just so fucking many that i dont know where to start
so i just do some music instead 8(    i did leave a hint for the thingy

The new album from Chemical Brothers fucking rooles!!!!

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

                . : .              .        .            .  .
            __|________           . .                  . :
           :\_|_______/:________    : .    _|__________ ____|_
       ... |         ·:|       /__|____  :_\| ________/ ___ | \_: ...
           |           |       .  |    \_|     _____)    |    ·:|
         . |           |       :       ·:|     ·:|       :      | .
       . : |__|________|_______|         |       |__________|___| : .
         . :  |        :   . . |__|______|       | . .  czar|   : .
              .              : :  |      :       : :        .
    :..... .                      .                             . ......:

    :..... .      m.a.i.n  a.s.c.i.i        r.e.l.i.e.f         . ......:

    :..... .           g.u.e.s.t  p.r.o.d.u.c.e.r.s             . ......:

    :..... .  m.o.r.t.i.m.e.r..t.w.a.n.g.  c.z.a.r   f.l.i.t.e  . ......:

    :..... .        z.a.p.t.h.o.d  t.r.i.v.i.a.l  m.u.d         . ......:

    :..... .                m.u.s.i.c  t.h.a.n.g                . ......:

    :..... .         c.h.e.m.i.c.a.l  b.r.o.t.h.e.r.s           . ......:

    :..... .                                                    . ......:

                          REGARDiNG REQUESTS :

     If you want to get a logo from me then write me a NiCE letter and
     try not to use the order-doors,its no very nice to get a msg from
     a door,i might do you ordered logo,from the order door,but i would
     love a nice msg instead,and then your chance for getting your logo
     much better.And please have patience with me,i get loads of REQUESTS
     and i dont do them in any special order,only the eall REQUESTS,which
     i only do if i run out of private REQUESTS.Tnx for reading this!

   _______ _
 __\  ___///_           _ ________                        _ ________
|     \__    | _ _______\\\ ____ /__           _ _____   _\\\   ___/__  __  _
l____   |    |_\\\___ /__   \___/   | _________\\\   _|_|__  \_____   ||  |l_|
....(________|     _/    |__        |_\ ____ /__     ___/  |__        |l__|
:  :........l_____|      | (________|   \___/   |__   |    | (________|.........
:          :......|______|........l_____        |.(________|÷f!÷      .:       :
:..................................... (________|:....                :        :
                                     :..             :................:        :
                    AND TO ALL MEMBERS OF PZL,FLD,RYL,-T!                      :
                                       :                                       :
        and greets to all those i talked to at tp5 (to many to type)           :
:                                      : 
:                                      :
:                                      :
:                                      :
:                                      : 
:                                      :
:                                      :

                         sTART oF cOLLECTiON ²4¹²95  
                         eND   oF cOLLECTiON o9o¹96

    ____  ____   ______._____.   _____.    _____  _________   ______.____.
  ./    \/    \._\ ____|   __|__/   __|__._\_.  \_\  _____/_._\ ____|  __|__
.-|     \/     |  __|_______    \.___    \. _|   \   \_.    |  __|______    \.
| |_____||_____|___    /|________|________|_\_____\____|    |___    /________|  
|  Trivial     [¬] Nice meeting you at tp5 buddy!                           [¬]
|  Mortimer t. [¬] Great meting you.altho we didnt talk that much           [¬]
|  Desoto      [¬] Hiya mate! cool saying hi to you at tp. please to me that[¬]
|              [¬] logo ;)                                                  [¬]
|  Recall      [¬] Did we talk much at tp? 8)                               [¬]
|  Misfit      [¬] and we meet at partys as always! always great to meet you[¬]
|  Shane       [¬] Just you wait for my music disc,and you'll get more      [¬]
|              [¬] triphop tunes to enjoy ;)                                [¬]
|  Sid         [¬] Hi ya bro!                                               [¬]
|  Rahiem      [¬] Really great taliking with you at tp!                    [¬]
|  Pride       [¬] Endelig m0tes vi! ;) jeg er glad                         [¬]
|  Flite       [¬] Hopefully we'll meet at the bbx party ;)                 [¬]
|  Ramirez     [¬] Same too you                                             [¬]
|  Arcane      [¬] Hey doode! nice meeting you                              [¬]
|  Madsen      [¬] Same too you doode                                       [¬]
|  Treach      [¬] Your my German homie                                     [¬]
|  2Fast       [¬] Doode! where you drunk at tp5 or what?!?!? 8)            [¬]
|  Mogue       [¬] Nice meting you,altho it was very short                  [¬]
|  Slime       [¬] Cool taling with ya                                      [¬]
|  Fury        [¬] Best luck with the French Chick                          [¬]
|  Deathknight [¬] Damm spliffer brain 8)                                   [¬]
|  Baffle      [¬] Mista Alcoholic ;)                                       [¬]
|  Xcz         [¬] Keep up the good work with the mag                       [¬]
|  Fatal       [¬] Please do me a Relief logo and a tWiSTED logo            [¬]
|  Webster     [¬] Nu skal du hvist lege med MANGE flasker saa du kan       [¬]
|              [¬] betale psg hva'?? B-d                                    [¬]
|  Whirlwind   [¬] Cool talking with you! lets have some more chats         [¬]
|  Tommy       [¬] Really nice talking with you! do start using you new     [¬]
|              [¬] style! its so great                                      [¬]
|  Dino        [¬] Hey man! dont worry! i didnt get angry at all ;)         [¬]
|              [¬] btw: could you give me your latest colly? it somehow got [¬]
|              [¬] fucked!                                                  [¬]
|  Stylewars   [¬] Tnx for the big amount of logos you made! dunno if you'll[¬]
|              [¬] your logos in this colly,but you'll get them 4 sure      [¬]
|  Stratos     [¬] Thanks for the luvly monkeys and logos you've made 4 me  [¬]
|              [¬] and watch out for the p.bill 8)                          [¬]
|  Hijack      [¬] I didnt know  one could do such  cool anims! i am very   [¬]
|  Dino        [¬] Tnx for the United Ascii Artist logo,but i have to tell  [¬]
|              [¬] you and everybody else that there is no uAa  [¬]
|              [¬] died along time ago when i left it,and started some small[¬]
|              [¬] crew.thats was before oS! and thats that                 [¬]
|              [¬] Impressed!! Keep it up!                                  [¬]
|  All         [¬] Any one know if theres any /x tool out which checks the  [¬]
|              [¬] Different .txt files,bcoz i've came acros alot of collyes[¬]
|              [¬] which was tottaly fucked!!                               [¬]
|   ____  ____   ______._____.   _____.    _____  _________   ______.____.       
| ./    \/    \._\ ____|   __|__/   __|__._\_.  \_\  _____/_._\ ____|  __|__     
÷-|     \/     |  __|_______    \.___    \. _|   \   \_.    |  __|______    \.
| |_____||_____|___    /|________|________|_\_____\____|    |___    /________|

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

           to reply vietcongs intro text in his latest colly :

Hey Vietcong,i know we have talked about the subject a bit on different boards
and now ill try too explain/tell my side of the story.......
At one  point  hotwire  had been busy with other stuff and oS! sort of needed
some one to orginize the different stuff,or at leeast thats what i thought,
then he told me that he would be away for some time and i was given the 
'control' of oS! untill he returned,he told me not to let inn to many members 
and mess things up too much etc. at that point i had tried for some time to 
keep track of different things is oS!  
I then let Snuffy join in,since i thought os! could use his skills and i asked 
him and it was okay.Then time whent by and htw! came back and things where 
going okay,alot of releases etc then suddenly drakar was a member,which i 
and nobody else in os! knew about,just saw a os!colly where drakar wrote that 
hotwire had let him in our crew...i then got sort of pissed at htw for no 
telling me that a new member had joined,then a week after a new colly was 
u/l'ed at our board where it said that some doode called homocide was
the arthour and again nobody knew about it,not even htw!  At that point
i was getting a bit borred with ascii and os! and thought about leaving os!
to go on a solo tip! At that point me and htw had talked a bit about it and
we where both angry about shit happening.We talked about kicking members
and came up with some doodes which we agreed on shoudl be kicked,your name
was also there,but htw said that you where on of the original members and
shouldnt be kicked and i agreed on that. So we didnt kick any members afterall
things just whent onn.I didnt feel like being the one who should kick one
member,i feelt that i where pretty good friends with everybody is os! and
didnt want to ruin that.
One week after or so,htw said that he would leave os! and asked me if i wanted
to stay in os! and then be the main man. I didnt like that idea it was a bit
borring in os! and as i wrote,i had thought about leaving os!   so we talked
abit and we wanted to start a new group,found a name for it,talked about which
members we wanted from os! to join us in the new crew...we wanted both to start
on a fresh,things was getting borred with os! we had gotten respect from most
crews,had gotten all the logos we could dream of,the troubles  with members
and i didnt feelt like being the bad guy who had to fuck everybody up,so im
sorry Tobias,that you feelt like i screwed you over. I just wasnted to start
on a fresh! new set of rooles,pure friendship,not that i dont consider you as 
my friend,but you know friendship rooels ;)

                        - rELiEf   a.k.a  Daniel -

( this txt was much longer but my amiga had a nice guru,and i didnt feel like
typing it all over again 8( )

                                _       _
                                /       \
                                _/\__ /\_
                              ((_  o O  _))
                               //__ ° __\\
                                _.|\ /|._
                                 || Y ||
                             ))/\       /\((
                             _  \\/¯¯¯\//   _
                             \              /

                                                                         ___ _
  _ ___)
:          : f · o · r · m · e · r    c · o · l · l · e · c · t · i · o · n · s
:    ......:....
:    :     :   :
:....:.....:   :    WEEDF.TXT      203776  ????????  Weed face
     :         :    THE-ADDI.TXT   ??????  ????????  The Addict
     :.........: :  FLUSH.TXT       92876  12-28-94  Flush
            . ...:  TLL-F240.LHA   211443  02-12-95  Flush Part 2
                    OS!-TRAI.TXT    40896  08-15-95  Trailor
                    OS!-TRIP.TXT    56991  07-28-95  Trip
                    OS!-BBS.LHA    276131  09-02-95  Bbs Guf
                    OS!-TRI2.TXT    70518  09-06-95  Trip Part 2
                    OS!-DOP.TXT     64544  09-14-95  Dope on Plastic
                    OS!-DOP2.TXT    47107  09-16-95  Dope on Plastic Part 2
                    OS!-DOP3.TXT    78162  10-05-95  Dope on Plastic Part 3
                    OS!-DOP4.TXT    81715  10-15-95  Dope on Plastic Part 4
                    OS!-DOP5.TXT    91227  10-29-95  Dope on Plastic Part 5
                    -T-SATC.TXT    106518  11-11-95  Shadow at Voodoo Creek
                    -T-SATC2.TXT   122307  11-19-95  Shadow at Voodoo Creek 2
                    -T-EXP.TXT      52560  11-24-95  Experimental
                    -T-EXP2.TXT    115457  11-30-95  Experimental Part 2
                    -T-RAP.TXT     234679  12-02-95  Real Artistic Personality
                    -T-EXP3.TXT    122222  12-09-95  Shadow At Voodoo Creek 3
                    -T-ACDMK.TXT   129496  12-12-95  Acid Monkey
                         iN aLL = 2198625  bYTES         .
 _ __                                          .........:::..........
     )_________________________________________:      .:::::.       :___
                                               :     .:::::::.      :  (___ _

damm just found out that Naja found a new doode for herself to fuck around
with 8((       lifes suxx!!!!!!!!

       _                                           |
    .__)\  _________________.                      |
    |    \/                 |                      |
    |            _____      |                    __l____________
____l__     ____/__   /\____l__________          \__         __/______
\   __/_____\__   /     \      \______/_______     |       _.|  ___  /_____
 \_____     _____/____/_________/       \  __/_____|__      ||  \___/      \_
    \_________/        (rLf)|/___________\_____    :..\______|______________/
  .             .:::.       |             -T\__________/::::::·  _______\_   \
 ·::.        .:::· ·:.      |                      |  ·::::::· _/  ______/    \
    ·:.     .:·      :.     |                      |    ·:::·  \_______________\
    .:·:..:::·    .___:.____|_ . T.W.i.S.T.E.D     |   .:::·
   .:·  ·:·       |         l__:___________________|  .:::·______________
  .:·    ·        |            |                       ··               /___.
 .:·              |            |                                            |
                  l____________|     hOTWIRE  rELIEF  tANGO  sAL-1          |
                            |         pRIDE  sCARFACE  dEVISTATOR           |
      |                                                                   /
     bOONDOCKS             %  ÷wHQ!÷  %  +31-nEVA!-4U!  ÷3ndz÷  sAL-oNE! /
     eLECTRONIC CONFUSION  %  ÷diS!÷  %  +45-31609550   ÷2ndz÷  wEBSTER!/
     dIGITAL cANDY         %  ÷eHQ!÷  %  +44-191232552  ÷5ndz÷  hYBRID!/
     13tH hOUR             %  ÷dIS!÷  %  +44-1704505845 ÷2ndz÷  aCE!  /___ _
     rAVELAND              %  ÷gHQ!÷  %  +49-nEVA!-4U!  ÷1ndz÷  h2O

                                      . ...
                             ............ :
                             :          : .
                             :          :
                             :          :
                           · :          :
                           : :..........:
                           :.. .

  _____________________     _____________________________       __________
 _)          ___/__   /_____)__.    .      (_    .      (_______)_____   (_
 |         _______(  (_        |    |       |    |       |  _________/    |
 | _        \ _                |    :       |    :       |_               |
 |_)\    ____\)\    ___________|   _________|   _________|)\    __________|
:                                                                         :
:.              · f · L · O · o · D · b · O · A · R · D · s ·            .:
 :                                                                        :
 :...... . nAME . ........ . nUMBA . ..... . nODEZ . ... . sYSOP . .......:

  ÷   cRiTiCAL zONE          +45-askmymom       [2nD]          sCQEECH    ÷ 
  ÷   rIdERS tEAM            +45-askmymom       [1nD]        hELL rIDE    ÷
  ÷   wAREZ uNLiMiTED        +45-askmymom       [3nD]        gILTHANAS    ÷
  ÷   pITSTOP                +47-askmymom       [2nD]         sEALAPEX    ÷
  ÷   sKYLINE                +46-askmymom       [3nD]           rECALL    ÷
  ÷   tHE mAZE               +35-askmymom       [2nD]           vOSTOK    ÷
  _)_ __   _       _   ________                           

                         ... .
                         : ............
                         : :          :
                         . :          :
                           :    ......:....
                           :    :     :   :
                           :....:.....:   :
                                :         : ·
                                :.........: :
                                       . ...:

                    .:.........................         .
                     :                       :  ...    .
  . . ...............:    .     _ _/________ :..:.:   .   .     ...
.____________________ ..:::· ·:.. /        /____:__  .·   ·.    :.:
|      __           /::::      :::.       /     ·  |.:     :. ____.   ...
|       /          /::::       ·:::.     /         .:·      :.    |   :.:
|  .   /___       /::::R o Y a L::::    /__       .:::      ·:.   |
|__._____|___________\::       ::::·__________   .:::::. ...:::.__|_______
   :        dto/e^d:::::::...::::::     /__________|            \         \
   : .              ·::::::::::::·              :.... .   _ _______________\
   : :..               ········
  .:......[ DiGiTAL EXTASY   ] [ +1-ASK-AROUND ] [ 4 nODES ] [ USHQ ]....
   ·      [ THE UNDiSCOVERED ] [ +31-ASK-4-iT! ] [ 3 nODES ] [ WHQ! ]  :
       :  [ oNE EiGHT SEVEN  ] [ +31-PRiVATE!! ] [ 2 nODES ] [ eHQ! ]..:
       .  [ eLECTRONiC cONF  ] [ +45-ELiTEKNOW ] [ 2 nODES ] [ dKHQ ]
       .  [ PiT STOP         ] [ +47-SEAPLEX!! ] [ 2 nODES ] [ NHQ! ]
       :  [ STONEhENGE       ] [ +31-ASK-ELiTE ] [ 1 nODE! ] [ dHQ! ]  ·
       :  [ hOMELESS         ] [ +49-FiND-oUT! ] [ 2 nODES ] [ gHQ! ]  :
      .:..[ uNDERCOVER       ] [ +46-ELiTEKNOW ] [ 2 nODES ] [ sCHQ ]..:  ...
          [ pHOENiX 2        ] [ +46-NOT-FORU! ] [ 1 nODE! ] [ sHQ! ] .:..:.:
          [ sOUTHERN cOMFORT ] [ +61-aSK·rOYAL ] [ 2 nODES ] [ oZHQ ]     :


                  iF yOU wANT tO lOOK aT sOMETHiNG tRY tHiS

Â…£) yUP_yUO_fOUND_mE!!!!¢³j—®6çûxù‡º­¦ã[‡p8ââ Cµì†¸Á·
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 i came up with something new in a colly!! YiHA!!!
           im so mmmmz.......happy??!?!?! nah!! fuck it!

                         ... .
                         : ............
                         : :          :
                         . :          :
                           :    ......:....
                           :    :     :   :
                           :....:.....:   :
                                :         : ·
                                :.........: :
                                       . ...:

  ( i deleted the very first line of the wired shit! find it somewhere ;) )

    .________.                                 ._______.
   _|        |_         _______.              _|       |_
   \_        _/_______ /       |_______.      \_       _/_____
    |        |        /        |      _|____   |       |  ___/________
  .-|        |_ _    /\        |      \ ___/___|____   |_ _ _________/___--.
  | |_________///______________|       \___________ \___///_______,___   \ |
  |                      t^/dS!|_______|/ `-------'  \     |         /    \|
  |   HOTW¡RE  REL¡EF  TANGo           /______________\    |________       \
  |     PRiDE  SAL-1  DEV¡STATOR                                   /________\
  |         SCARFACE!                                                      |
   ©   ¹  9  9  6   t  W  i  S  T  E  D   p  R  O  d  U  C  T  i  O  N  S
